CIMS Deducting CPP and EI premiums from initial and terminal travel allowance.

This is the most recent info from the tax lawyer.

Hi Geoff,

I have received no correspondence from CRA. The last communication I saw was the abeyance letter you sent me in August.

The CPP and EI treatment should follow that for income tax purposes. The members’ argument was that neither income tax, nor CPP, nor EI should have been deducted. But if CIMS is deducting income tax, then logically they would deduct CPP and EI too, although your members maintain that this is the incorrect result at law (as set out in the income tax, CPP and EI appeals arguments I drafted for you).

Kind regards,



We are at the Labour Relations Board Every day this week and next conducting trade level bargaining and main table bargaining. Trades are exchanging and discussing proposals/demands. As Secretary Treasurer of the Bargaining Council Geoff Higginson along with Bargaining Council President Al Phillips (UA) and alternate Brian Zdrillic (Millwrights) are assisting and or sitting in on trade level talks to help coordinate bargaining. News will be posted here and in our next newsletter as it becomes available.

Travel Allowance Rates 2019

Be reminded that travel allowance rates are now 58 cents per kilometre for the first 5000 km and 52 cents per kilometre for every kilometre after that. As of January 1st 2019.

Kitimat LNG a Go

Get on the list at the hall for LNG work.  Please send an email to or with Kitimat LNG List in the subject line, or text to 778-847-2472.

This work is under an agreement forged over the last four to five years for LNG plant work.  It is a PLA between the Building Trades and the CLRA representing the partners on the build.  Although there is less than 1% of our work on this project it still amounts to a lot of hours when you consider the billions of dollars being spent on the total scope.  It will be mainly concrete block.

Bargaining Main Table Underway

October 30, 2018 Notice

The Bargaining Council of British Columbia Building Trades Unions (BCBCBTU) met with the Construction Labour Relations Association of British Columbia on Monday October 29, 2018 to begin bargaining main table items.  These items are bargaining issues that all unions bargain together at the same time and will be incorporated (as a rule) into all of our agreements.

September 28, 2018

We are heading full on into bargaining.  main Table and Trade Level Items have been submitted to CLRA and have been received from them.  Union representatives will keep the members informed through local area or job site meetings.

Work Safe

Camp Agreement

The Provincial Camp Regulations were recently extended by CLRA, representing the Employers, and the Building Trades, representing the unions. Local 2 believes this move was improper and has asked the Labour Relations Board to cancel that agreement. However, until the Board rules, the Camp Agreement is in place, so that if an employer declares a job to be a camp job, and you accept a job offer to work on a camp job, then you must stay in that camp. However, you are not obligated to accept work from any Employer. If you do not like the terms of work offered (LOA, meal allowance and room, camp accommodations etc.) you are not obliged to accept a job offer. This is your choice, but it is a choice you must make on your own, individually. Local 2 will not advise you to take or not take any particular job. There is work coming up at Port Mellon. We have heard conflicting information as to whether staying in camp is a requirement or whether LOA is available for those not wishing to stay in Camp. If you are thinking of taking job at Port Mellon but that decision is dependent on whether it is a camp job or not, then you should seek clarity on this question from the Employer and then make your own personal decision as to whether to accept a job offer. However, Local 2 will not condone any member accepting a job and then after accepting the job, trying to individually negotiate different conditions. To do so may be a breach of the collective agreement. Call the hall for more information or union president at 778-847-2472.”