We have 4 new masks based on member surveys last month. These local 2 custom masks are three layers thick with a pocket to squeeze in an N-95 or P-100 mask. We are collecting a list of member preference and mailing these masks out with the newsletter in May. If you haven’t already listed your preference on the face book page for TTTA please send an email to ghigginson@bac2bc.org or info@bac2bc.org with your preference. One each until all members have them.
We also have available the International face masks and neck gaiters which we will give out while supplies last, one of each for every member interested. See the photos below for the masks and their “number”.
In solidarity, Geoff Higginson
BAC Local 2 Mask 1 BAC Local 2 Mask 2 BAC Local 2 Mask 3 BAC Local 2 Mask 4 IU Logo Mask 5 IU Logo Gaiter Mask 6