Nominations-Election of Delegates to Attend International Union Convention

Notice of Nominations of Delegate/s to IU Convention …Click on the underlined link to view the notice mailed to all members Monday May 11, 2020. This is a ballot to vote on whether or not to send one delegate to the IU Convention designated by virtue of office (President). The results will be posted below by the Election Committee.

Results of Membership Vote On the IU Convention Delegate/s..To be announced below immediately following the closing date and time on the Notice. Results will also be reported on a recorded voice mail message available by calling (604) 584-2021,
EXT. 225.



The Management Committee unanimously recommended that the local send one delegate, and no alternate delegates, to the 2020 IU convention.  By way of office the President would be said delegate.

The vote required members to vote yes or no to the Management Committee recommendation.

36 YES votes were receive  /  7 NO votes were received

The motion to send one delegate passed by majority vote.